Raspberry Zero : Configuration Bluetooth.
Distribution de travail : 2017-07-05-raspbian-jessie
Raspbian : 2017-07-05-raspbian-jessie.zip
Matériel : Mini Bluetooth Keyboard – Black
Manuel : http://prohtus.com/downloads/cd%20content/Manual.pdf
Lien :
1/ Modification des dépôts Raspbian.
Ouvrir :
Remplacer tout par :
deb http://raspbian.42.fr/raspbian/ jessie main contrib non-free rpi
2/ Installation des paquets Bluetooth.
pi@ibm5100:~ $ sudo apt install bluetooth pi-bluetooth bluez
3/ Allumer le clavier.
4/ Lancement de l’interface de ligne de commande Bluetooth.
pi@ibm5100:~ $ bluetoothctl [NEW] Controller B8:27:EB:56:1E:55 ibm5100 [default] [bluetooth]#
5/ Activer le bluetooth.
[bluetooth]# agent on Agent registered
6/ Appuyer sur le bouton de clavier pour l’appairage.
7/ Détection des appareils Bluetooth.
[bluetooth]# scan on Discovery started [CHG] Controller B8:27:EB:56:1E:55 Discovering: yes [NEW] Device D4:8C:1C:AE:8F:E3 D4-8C-1C-AE-8F-E3 [CHG] Device D4:8C:1C:AE:8F:E3 RSSI: -85 ... [CHG] Device 99:22:01:41:31:26 Name: Bluetooth Keyboard [CHG] Device 99:22:01:41:31:26 Alias: Bluetooth Keyboard ...
8/ Apparaige du clavier.
[bluetooth]# pair 99:22:01:41:31:26 Attempting to pair with 99:22:01:41:31:26 [CHG] Device 99:22:01:41:31:26 Connected: yes [agent] PIN code: 658620 [CHG] Device 99:22:01:41:31:26 Connected: no [CHG] Device 99:22:01:41:31:26 Connected: yes [agent] PIN code: 615181 Failed to pair: org.bluez.Error.AuthenticationTimeout [CHG] Device 99:22:01:41:31:26 Connected: no [CHG] Device D4:8C:1C:AE:8F:E3 RSSI: -96 [CHG] Device D4:8C:1C:AE:8F:E3 RSSI: -87
9/ Taper le code Pin sur la clavier et valider.
10/ Connexion à l’appareil.
[bluetooth]# connect 99:22:01:41:31:26 Attempting to connect to 99:22:01:41:31:26 [CHG] Device 99:22:01:41:31:26 Connected: yes [CHG] Device 99:22:01:41:31:26 Modalias: usb:v05ACp022Cd011B [CHG] Device 99:22:01:41:31:26 UUIDs: 00001000-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb 00001124-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb 00001200-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb Connection successful
12/ Taper au clavier pour tester la connexion Bluetooth au Raspberry Zero.
13/ Sauvegarder la configuration l’appareil.
[bluetooth]# trust 99:22:01:41:31:26 [CHG] Device 99:22:01:41:31:26 Trusted: yes Changing 99:22:01:41:31:26 trust succeeded [CHG] Device D4:8C:1C:AE:8F:E3 RSSI: -85 [CHG] Device D4:8C:1C:AE:8F:E3 RSSI: -100 [NEW] Device 40:A1:FF:07:C3:94 40-A1-FF-07-C3-94
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