[Gandi][API] Auto-reply

Auto-reply via API
1/ The date start and the date end must be match to the following regexp :


By example :

2016-02-10 15:20:00

2/ For more information, feel free to read the following wiki page:
3/ The php code.

 'domain.', 'sslverify' => False  )
define('API_KEY', '');
function activateResponder($api, $domainname, $mailbox, $content, $date) {
    $responder_spec = [
       'content' => $content,
       'date' => $date,
    $result = $api->__call( 'mailbox.responder.activate', array(API_KEY, $domainname, $mailbox, $responder_spec) );
function deactivateResponder($api, $domainname, $mailbox, $date) {
    $responder_spec = [
       'date' => $date,
    $result = $api->__call( 'mailbox.responder.deactivate', array(API_KEY, $domainname, $mailbox, $responder_spec) );
// Activate the responder
$domainname = 'mywebsite.com';
$mailbox = 'contact';
$content = 'I am in vacation';
$date = '2016-02-10 14:51:00';
activateResponder($api, $domainname, $mailbox, $content, $date);
// Desactivate the responder
// Comment the previous responder call and
// Uncomment the following code:
$domainname = 'mywebsite.com';
$mailbox = 'contact';
$date = '2016-02-10 15:20:00';
deactivateResponder($api, $domainname, $mailbox, $date);

4/ Python code.
Auto-reply activation:

import pprint
import xmlrpc.client
import sys
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
api = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy('https://rpc.gandi.net/xmlrpc/')
apikey = ''
print("Mailbox Responder")
responder =  api.domain.mailbox.responder.activate(apikey, 'mywebsite.com', 'contact', { 'content' : 'I am in vacation', 'date' : '2016-02-10 14:22:00'})
Auto-reply desactivation:
import pprint
import xmlrpc.client
import sys
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
api = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy('https://rpc.gandi.net/xmlrpc/')
apikey = ''
print("Mailbox Responder")
responder =  api.domain.mailbox.responder.deactivate(apikey, 'mywebsite.com', 'contact', { 'date' : '2016-02-10 14:22:00'})

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