Installation de OpenVMS 8.4

Installation de OpenVMS 8.4.

Distribution de travail : Ubuntu 18.04

1/ Installation de paquet réseau.

util01@station66:~$ sudo apt install socat

2/ Création du répertoire de travail.

util01@station66:~$ mkdir -p VIRTU/OPENVMS
util01@station66:~$ cd VIRTU/OPENVMS/

3/ Téléchargement de l’image iso de OpenVMS Alpha 8.4.

util01@station66:~/VIRTU/OPENVMS$ wget

4/ Téléchargement de l’archive de l’émulateur AlphaVM Free 1.4.14.

A rechercher sur Internet ou à me demander ! :D

5/ Décompression de l’archive de l’émulateur.

util01@station66:~/VIRTU/OPENVMS$ tar xvf alphavm-free-1-4-14-linux-x64.tar

6/ Installation de l’émulateur AlphaVM Free.

util01@station66:~/VIRTU/OPENVMS$ cd alphavm-free-1-4-14/
util01@station66:~/VIRTU/OPENVMS/alphavm-free-1-4-14$ sudo ./
util01@station66:~/VIRTU/OPENVMS/alphavm-free-1-4-14$ cd ..

7/ Fichier de configuration de l’émulateur.

Ouvrir :


Ajouter :

system {
type = ds10_616;
reported_type = default;
num_cpus = 1;
ssn = 'EmuVM-00-000-001';
interval_clock_freq = 1000;
memory {
size = 1024;
cpu {
server = basic;
jit {
async = yes;
serial com1 {
server = socket;
port = 3000;
serial com2 {
server = socket;
port = 3001;
scsi_controller qla0 {
scsi_id = 7;
scsi_controller qla1 {
scsi_id = 7;
scsi_disk dka0 {
scsi_bus = 0;
scsi_id = 0;
scsi_lun = 0;
file = 'disk.dd';
caching = no;
write_through = yes;
scsi_disk dka1 {
scsi_bus = 0;
scsi_id = 2;
scsi_lun = 0;
file = 'disk2.dd';
caching = no;
write_through = yes;
scsi_cdrom iso {
scsi_id = 4;
file = 'ALPHA084.ISO';
ether eth0 {
type = dec21040;
server = dummy;
mac_address = 0x08002B000001;
ether eth1 {
type = dec21040;
server = tap;
interface = 'tap0';
mac_address = 0x08002B000002;

8/ Création du disque : DKA0

util01@station66:~/VIRTU/OPENVMS$ dd if=/dev/zero of=disk.dd bs=1024 count=30M

9/ Création du disque : DKA200

util01@station66:~/VIRTU/OPENVMS$ dd if=/dev/zero of=disk2.dd bs=1024 count=15M

10/ Initialisation du réseau.

util01@station66:~/VIRTU/OPENVMS$ networkinterface=`ip addr show | awk '/inet.*brd/{print $NF; exit}'`
util01@station66:~/VIRTU/OPENVMS$ sudo ip addr flush dev $networkinterface
util01@station66:~/VIRTU/OPENVMS$ sudo ip link set $networkinterface up
util01@station66:~/VIRTU/OPENVMS$ sudo ip link add name br0 type bridge
util01@station66:~/VIRTU/OPENVMS$ sudo ip link set $networkinterface master br0
util01@station66:~/VIRTU/OPENVMS$ sudo ip addr add dev br0
util01@station66:~/VIRTU/OPENVMS$ sudo ip link set br0 up
util01@station66:~/VIRTU/OPENVMS$ sudo ip route add default via
util01@station66:~/VIRTU/OPENVMS$ sudo ip tuntap add tap0 mode tap
util01@station66:~/VIRTU/OPENVMS$ sudo ip link set tap0 up
util01@station66:~/VIRTU/OPENVMS$ sudo ip link set tap0 master br0
util01@station66:~/VIRTU/OPENVMS$ sudo brctl show
util01@station66:~/VIRTU/OPENVMS$ echo "nameserver" | sudo tee /etc/resolv.conf >/dev/null

11/ Lancement de l’émulateur.

util01@station66:~/VIRTU/OPENVMS$ sudo su
[sourcecode language="plain"]
root@station66:/home/util01/VIRTU/OPENVMS# alphavm_free openvms.emu
10911.993: alphavm: AlphaVM-free DEC Alpha Emulator 1.4.14
10911.993: alphavm: Build Sep 23 2014 14:58:25
10912.344: alphavm.system.qla0.fun0: started mailbox command loop
10912.344: alphavm.system.qla1.fun0: started mailbox command loop
10912.345: alphavm: system started
10912.345: alphavm.system: primary CPU firmware loop; cpu=0

12/ Connexion à l’émulateur.

util01@station66:~/VIRTU/OPENVMS$ socat -,raw,echo=0,escape=0x1c tcp:
Welcome to EmuVM hardware emulator.
� Copyright 2010 - 2013, Artem Alimarin. All rights reserved.
Please visit for more information.

13/ Configuration de OpenVMS.

>>> boot dka400
loaded boot image pa=200000 size=0x99c00
OpenVMS (TM) Alpha Operating System, Version V8.4
� Copyright 1976-2010 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
Please enter date and time (DD-MMM-YYYY HH:MM) 13-APR-2020 15:51
Enter CHOICE or ? for help: (1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/?) 1
Enter device name for target disk: (? for choices) dka0
Enter volume label for target system disk: [ALPHASYS]
Do you want to initialize with ODS-2 or ODS-5? (2/5/?) 2
Is this OK? (Yes/No) Yes
Password for SYSTEM account:
Re-enter SYSTEM password for verification:
Will this system be a member of an OpenVMS Cluster? (Yes/No) No
Will this system be an instance in an OpenVMS Galaxy? (Yes/No) No
Do you plan to use DECnet? (Yes/No) [Yes] No
Enter SCSSYSTEMID: [65534]
Select the number above that best represents the desired time zone: 20
Select the number above that best represents the desired time zone: 34
Is this correct? (Yes/No) [YES]:
Is this time zone currently on daylight saving time? (Yes/No): No
Enter the Time Differential Factor [1:00]:
Is this correct? [Y]:
Do you want to register any Product Authorization Keys? (Yes/No) [Yes] No
Do you want to install DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha V1.7?
(Yes/No) [Yes]
Do you want to install DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Alpha V8.4?
(Yes/No) [Yes] No
Do you want to install DECnet Phase IV for OpenVMS Alpha V8.4?
(Yes/No) [Yes] No
Do you want to install HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS V5.7-13?
(Yes/No) [Yes]
Do you always want detailed descriptions? (Yes/No) [No]
Do you want the defaults for all options? [YES]
Do you want to review the options? [NO]
The following products will be installed to destinations:
Portion done: 0%...10%
The installation is now complete.
When the newly installed system is first booted, a special
startup procedure will be run. This procedure will:
o Configure the system for standalone or OpenVMS Cluster operation.
o Run AUTOGEN to set system parameters.
o Reboot the system with the newly set parameters.
You may shut down now or continue with other operations.
Process AXPVMS_INSTALL logged out at 13-APR-2020 16:33:01.83
Press Return to continue...
9) Shut down this system
Enter CHOICE or ? for help: (1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/?) 9
Shutting down the system

14/ Redémarrage sur le disque dka0.

>>> boot dka0
Please enter date and time (DD-MMM-YYYY HH:MM) 13-APR-2020 16:37
Welcome to OpenVMS (TM) Alpha Operating System, Version V8.4
Username: system
%LICENSE-I-NOLICENSE, no license is active for this software product
%LOGIN-S-LOGOPRCON, login allowed from OPA0:
[62"pcome to OpenVMS (TM) Alpha Operating System, Version V8.4

15/ Liens.

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